Wednesday, July 6, 2022



ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide

The website that I enjoy visiting is ArchDaily. In this website you find many architecture projects of the world. Appear many photos, construction plans, information about the place, and so on. It works very similar to Instagram but, with architecture contents. 

Any projects of architecture can be found on this website, so that is very useful as backup when I need made a investigation work, search construction plans of some project in specific or for find a good photos. Also, i have an account and they send me to the mail many arquitectural projects that could interest or like me.

I recommend it to everyone who studies architecture, be architects or just like architecture. There you  can fine photos of the beautiful houses or departaments, gardens, between many other things, so you can get ideas for your own projects at home.

Something very useful architecture students is that every famous architect has a profile where their projects and foundations, also a news section where they apload a new things that have been created.


My major can make the world a better place

The architecture will always be involved with the planet.

If we think what are materials of construccion made of, we will realize that comes from the natural elements that comes from ecosystem, so that excesive use this elements like trees or minerals, would cause a damage for everybody, affecting the ecosystem.

Anyway, architecters are clear that the shape to build must be under the floor rules, trying not to harm the environment and not polluting excessively. However, sometimes it doesn´t usually like that and they don´t take these rules into account. 

For me, be an architect is not simply design and build. The things must be concient and respect the environment. What I have learned until now is the way people don´t use excessive electronic devices for heat or air their homes, is build based on climate, on sun light, on wind  and in the functions that will take place. This will help, for example, so that people don´t have to use firewood to heat their houses. 

At any rate, exist many ways to get natura energy, but not yet available to everyone. I hope that in the future it will be.

Friday, May 13, 2022

A photo with meaning for me

In this photo appear my dog when he came to my house. His name is Max, he doesn’t have a breed of dog, is a mixture of several.  Now, have 2 years old, but in this photo, he had three months. 
Before his arrival, I had another dog, his name was Rocky, he was a schnauzer breed. He came into my life when I was little, when I was about a 5 years old and I grew up with him. 
In January of 2020, Rocky died. To remember him we bought a small figure that looked a lot like him.
After a few months, my mom adopted a puppy and gave it to me as a surprise. 
Every time Max went out into the garden approached the figure and one of those times I decided to take a picture.
They will be always my best friends.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

My favorite piece of technology


My ipad is my favorite piece of technology for many things. Starting with I use for write any contents of subjects. I use like a notebook. It's very useful, because you don't need buy many notebooks, pens, highlighters, etc. You can be all that with only one object. Also, I use an apple pencil. Its a pencil that use for write in ipad and with that its more simple take notes. 
Personally, i think that is the most object created in technology. Its short, skinny and fits perfectly in backpack. The notebooks use more space and you need more than one and adding your pencil case with many things.
This piece of technology is very important for me. If I lost it, it would be very bad, I lost every contents to the university, and the worksheets. EVERYTHING! So, maybe this is one of problem of this technology object. But, thinking better, if you lost your backpack with your notebooks and pencil case, is the same. The better solution is to be careful with all our things. 
Finally, although the above, I recommended for 100%. Its important buy with apple pencil, don't remember.   

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

post 2 of my blog: Why did i choose my major?

I study Architecture in University of Chile. I choose this career because when i stay in the school, i loved the asignatures of art and mathematics and i thought that this job incluying this two things in one. Whats more, i always thought that i would like them, because made a projects with materials and using my hands is more funnier than study or read a long text.

When i was a child, I thought when i grow up my job will be acting. I liked play to be an actriz and i believed that i was famous. Later, for a short time, i wanted be a dentist and after i decide that is not for me because i´m really bad for science´s asignatures. So, i start search another options and i found architecture, obviously and one or two more. Comercial engeneer and medium ambiental engeneer are a jobs that I was interested.

Finally, i decide for Architecture because I was convenced that this career its for me. I don´t see myself in another job, and the another options stopped liking me.

My experience in the FAU are so grateful, recently this year we can come because the first year, we have online classes. For me, that was bad, i dont like them, my concentration in my house it was lously. So, when I start this year pressencial, everything got better.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

My mini biography

 My mini biography 

My full name is Antonia Francisca Ignacia Díaz Ibáñez. I was born on September 21st on 2002 in Santiago. I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. 

I studied in American British School in La Florida. Here, I was practice my favorite sport, artistic skating. Now i don´t realice because the university it doesn't allow me. 

Also, when i was stay in third grade, i was part of swimming selection of the school. After a few years, i left. 

Actually, i study architecture in University of Chile. I´m in second year of the career. I choose them because i was good for asignature of art and mathematics in the school. My principal objetive is to finish the career. After this, i would like travel and know many places in another countries, like the coliseum in Italy, that is my dream for now.



   ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide The website that I enjoy visiting is ArchDaily. In this website you find many architectur...